Everyday drivers make decisions behind the wheel, one of them is where and how to park their vehicle. It could be in the driveway, at the mall, at work, on the street or several other places.
First, the driver needs to ensure that the parking spot is in a legal location. This is usually a concern for street parking as some areas may prohibit parking during specific times of the day. The next would be looking for any hazards and deciding on the method of parking.
The two most common types of parking are driving into a spot or reversing into a spot. Both have pros and cons, but it is important to evaluate the risk in both situations. Best practices dictate we back into stagnant areas and drive forward into the more hazardous areas (roadways, driveways, aisles, etc.) which drivers would have improved visibility when driving forward. Driving forward into and through to the next parking spot is the safest and backing up is totally avoided.
Reversing into a parking spot is more difficult. It is harder to see the parking spot but because the area behind the car is stagnant, there is less risk associated with it. When you leave the spot, you are driving out into the aisle or road with very good visibility, and this decreases the risk.
Another advantage is if you have car trouble, then roadside assistance has easier access to your engine. Also, if you did go shopping, you won’t be standing in the aisle or road while traffic is speeding when you put your bags in the trunk.
It is important to mitigate the risk to you and the other road users.